An Introduction to Functional Medicine
Auteur(s) : Docteur Georges MOUTON
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In this revealing, and sometimes polemic, collection of articles, world renowned Functional Medicine expert Dr Georges Mouton MD, in collaboration with Nutritional Medicine expert Glen Matten, expose the myths, mistaken beliefs and preconceived ideas that exist in healthcare today. Embracing an evidence-based approach, combined with decades of clinical experience, they share an unrivalled commitment to the pursuit of optimum health status. The content of this explosive cocktail of articles will shock, inspire, and enlighten in equal measures, ultimately paving the way to a new powerful, preventive approach to health and the ongoing battle against chronic disease.
- 978–2–87211–147–3
- 9782872111473
- 226 pages
- Anglais
- 12 x 18 cm
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ISBN | 978–2–87211–147–3 |
EAN | 9782872111473 |
Nombre de pages | 226 pages |
Dimensions | 12 x 18 cm |
Langue | Anglais |
Doctor Georges Mouton MD is internationally renowned as a leading expert in Functional Medicine. He holds consultations across Europe where he uses a sophisticated Functional Medicine approach to both treat his patients’ complaints and prevent chronic degenerative diseases or future ailments. Doctor Mouton MD is an accomplished author, sharing 20 years of experience in patient care – that include professional athletes. Dr Mouton MD offers a comprehensive scientific exploration of the interconnected relationships between intestinal function/dysfunction and general health/disease, an area that represents a classic pillar of Functional Medicine.
With a Masters Degree in Nutritional Medicine, and a predilection for good food, Glen is a nutrition nerd and full-on foodie in equal measures; an inimitable mash-up that saw him combining nuggets of nutritional knowledge with some stonking recipes in his first book The 100 Foods You Should be Eating. But, there’s more to Glen’s repertoire than a few decent dishes, namely his conviction that our diet and lifestyle holds the true key to resolving the majority of our modern-day health woes. Frustrated by the mire of misinformation out there, and impassioned to bring rock-solid advice to the general public, Glen’s second book was conceived; The Health Delusion, the award-winning, myth-busting, no-holds barred account of what has gone wrong with our collective health and how we can put it right. Glen’s fresh approach to nutrition has led to frequent forays into the media, and as well as being an award-winning writer, he has made numerous TV and radio appearances. Glen can also be found airing his views as an expert blogger for the Huffington Post.

Docteur Georges MOUTON
Fort de 36 années d’expérience professionnelle et d’un quart de siècle de pratique de la Médecine Fonctionnelle, le Dr Georges MOUTON travaille à la création d’une chaîne de vidéos (disponible sur YouTube) à des fins d’éducation tant du grand public que des professionnels de la santé. Après avoir consulté à Liège, Madrid, Sotogrande, Bruxelles, Beyrouth et Londres, il réside depuis quatre ans dans le Nord du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg, dans les merveilleux paysages de l’Œsling entre l’Ardenne et l’Eiffel. Il y consulte toujours sous les regards complices de son fidèle chien ‘Goliath’ et de son jeune chat prodige ‘Oxo’ (tous renseignements disponibles via Il supervise en outre des cliniques FunMedDev à Londres, en Belgique, au Luxembourg et en Suisse où des médecins pratiquent sa méthode (voir les détails sur son site
- Diplôme de docteur en médecine, Université de Liège (Belgique) en 1985.
- Pratique de la Médecine Fonctionnelle (Madrid, Londres et Bruxelles)
- Chargé de cours : British College of Nutrition and Health (BCNH) et Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION)
- Orateur International : Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Université Paris XIII - Bobigny, Anti-Aging World Conference (AAWC), International Medical University of Malaysia, 7ème Congrès de l’Association Française des Médecins esthéticiens (AFME)....
- Conseiller scientifique pour diverses compagnies européennes et américaines dans les domaines de la nutrition, de la micronutrition et de la biologie fonctionnelle.
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